REVIEW: The Invisible Boy By Trudy Ludwig

The invisible boy
Age 2-5 Book ReviewLeave a Comment on REVIEW: The Invisible Boy By Trudy Ludwig

REVIEW: The Invisible Boy By Trudy Ludwig







The invisible boy is a beautiful read that revolves around a young boy named Brian. Brian often feels he is invisible inside the class and neither his teacher nor his classmates notice him. He is neglected by them and he draws his imagination on paper. One day, a new kid named Justin came in and he noticed Brian. From that moment on, Brian starts to feel a little less invisible and even the other students notice. What magic did the new boy do to Brian?

Brain is not noticed by anyone in his class and often he feels he is invisible to all
Brian is not noticed by anyone in his class and often he feels he is invisible to all
During play also Brain doesn't get a pair and always left out
During play also Brian doesn’t get a pair and always left out
Brain doesn't care and he starts to draw and create his own story
Brian doesn’t care and he starts to draw and create his own story
One day his teacher introduced Justin to the whole class and Brain was so happy to see him.
One day, his teacher introduced Justin to the whole class and Brian was so happy to see him.
Justin was warming up towards Brain and unfortunately his classmates didn't allow him to go with Brain
Justin was warming up towards Brian and unfortunately, his classmates didn’t allow him to go with Brian
But Justin added Brain to his team and Brain felt visible once again
But Justin added Brian to his team and Brain felt visible once again

OH! I loved this book more and I can’t wait for Nathan to understand this whole essence of the book and reciprocate to his fellow mates. This book is related to every person on earth during their college or school or workdays. Yes, even adults are prone to this and I wonder when they will grow up.

This invisible feeling is way too hard to digest and we often say ignore it. But do you think one can ignore the hurt they feel and how they carry it each day with them? Some picture books are not meant for kids. Any message that’s said in the book is also meant for adults and it’s them to reciprocate the message to the people around them.

I always feel guilty about disrespecting others or raising my voice. it’s because Nathan is watching me and he will reciprocate the same towards others.

It’s high time to tell kids how to care for their fellow humans and doesn’t make everyone feel invisible around them. A great book, which further opens for more discussions in a classroom or between kids or parents.

A very powerful story that talks about empathy, bullying, kindness, teamwork, inclusiveness, and the power of friendship. The illustrations are top-notch and the illustrator differentiated Brian beautifully.

A must-have book for all school going kids.

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Hi, I am Karen- Mom to a 6-year-old and a passionate book reviewer. A book lover myself, I strongly believe in reading to kids on a daily basis, to help them turn into mini bookworms. I find delight in my every growing bookshelf. Join us on our reading journey and don't forget to share your bookish love with us too.

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