Category: Age 1-2

Age 1-2 Age 2-5 Book Review

REVIEW: Made For Me By Zack Bush

BOOK: MADE FOR ME AUTHOR: ZACH BUSH ILLUSTRATOR: GREGORIO DE LAURETTS PUBLISHER: FAMILIUS PAGES: 32 AGE RECOMMENDED: 1+ The market is filled with books that depict a mother’s love for her children and how they help them prepare for the world. However, this book stands out by sharing the love of a father. Every father […]

Age 1-2 Book Review

REVIEW: MUD By Mary Lynn Ray

BOOK: MUD AUTHOR: MARY LYNN RAY ILLUSTRATOR: LAUREN STRINGER PUBLISHER: VOYAGER BOOKS HARCOURT, INC PAGES: 32 AGE RECOMMENDED: 2+ Who doesn’t love to play in the mud? The famous cartoon ‘Peppa pig’ made almost every toddler play in muddy puddles. We knew gooey mud comes after the rain. But, this book walks us through another […]

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