Everyone will have fond memories of visiting their grandparents during summer vacation. We enjoy their warmth, their love, their care, spoiling us with lots of goodies and forgetting their lullaby and stories. Those were fond memories.
Grandma’s Eyes is a beautiful bilingual book that portrays grandma. I love my grandma more and still think about the fond memories I had. I and my brother get ready for the holidays long back and wait for our train ride. It’s a one-night journey and the morning to see their faces is such a glee for us. Oh! Those were golden days.
Grandparents are always special, but grandma will be more special to us. In India, we have many names for grandma. Naani, Paati, Patima, Ajji, Aaji, Daadi… Nathan fondly calls his grandma pappi.
This beautiful story shows the warmth of grandma in the eyes of a child. The child says about their grandma in a rhyming way.

Grandma’s eyes watch me well.
Grandma’s arms hold me tight.
Grandma’s laugh makes me laugh.
Grandma’s songs make me sleep.
Grandma’s stories are for everyone.
But Grandma’s lap is only for me!
This is a rhyming book, and it is filled with beautiful illustrations, and each page acts as a moving picture. The moving picture book, or flipbook, is a book with a series of pictures that gradually change from one page to the next so that when the pages are turned rapidly, the pictures appear to animate by simulating motion or some other change.
There’s a DIY on the last page where you can make your very own flipbook.
Nathan loves his pappi’s house and his stories. While we visit her I would ask, do you need any books for reading? He just says my Pappi will tell me lots of stories.
What’s your story associated with your Grandma? Do drop in below.
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