REVIEW: Ravi’s Roar By Tom Percival

Age 2-5 Book Review3 Comments on REVIEW: Ravi’s Roar By Tom Percival

REVIEW: Ravi’s Roar By Tom Percival






Ravi’s roar is a part of Tom Percival’s Big bright feelings book series.

Ravi is the youngest of his three siblings, and he has a pet dog named biscuit. He never minded being the smallest in his family, Until one day, his short arms can’t reach the monkey bars, he can’t find anyone during hide-and-seek, and he’s too little to ride the big slide. Ravi went so mad, and so furious that he can’t control his temper anymore and he becomes a ferocious, roaring TIGER! At first, it seems fun as everyone begins to listen to him but gradually Ravi is left feeling empty. Is this the best way to be when things get too much?

Ravi is the youngest of his family
Ravi is the youngest of his family
Most of the time, Ravi enjoyed being small
Most of the time, Ravi enjoyed being small
Ravi was frustrated when he couldn't find anyone during the hide and seek play
Ravi was frustrated when he couldn’t find anyone during the hide and seek play
Ravi felt the peak of anger when he didn't get any ice cream as he ran slowly
Ravi felt the peak of anger when he didn’t get any ice cream as he ran slowly
Ravi became as ferocious as a tiger and things started to work as his way.
Ravi became as ferocious as a tiger and things started to work as his way.
Ravi utilised this opportunity and started to use this towards others and they were not happy at all.
Ravi utilised this opportunity and started to use this towards others and they were not happy at all.
Ravi is left all alone for being a ferocious tiger
Ravi is left all alone for being a ferocious tiger
He apologized to everyone and that was the last time he was a ferocious tiger
He apologised to everyone and that was the last time he was a ferocious tiger

Another brilliant book by Tom Percival and illustrations are mind-blowing. The metaphor of anger and tiger is brilliant and a child can relate to them easily.

Is it ok to be ferocious to voice out our feelings? Is it ok to be harsh when we are overwhelmed? Is it ok to push others to fight for what we wanted? is it ok to be angry when things don’t turn our way? ask these questions while reading this story and we can have many surprise answers.

A book for all children who are trying to control their temper and who are dealing to control their anger. A great book to add to your home library.

You can read other Big bright feelings book series here

Ruby’s worry

Perfectly Norman

Meesha makes friends

Use the below link to purchase the book from Amazon.

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Hi, I am Karen- Mom to a 6-year-old and a passionate book reviewer. A book lover myself, I strongly believe in reading to kids on a daily basis, to help them turn into mini bookworms. I find delight in my every growing bookshelf. Join us on our reading journey and don't forget to share your bookish love with us too.
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