How to spark the joy in reading?

how to spark joy in reading
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How to spark the joy in reading?

I am a part of a book club where we discuss books and tips to help reluctant readers. If you are on Instagram, follow the tag #ourreadingstory. This week our topic was how to spark the joy of reading? I thought to discuss reluctant readers, as we would have heard much about raising readers or too many topics on reading.

We can see lots of Pinterest-worthy pictures circulating on social media, where a kid is engrossed in reading near a bookshelf. Some, like me, would appreciate the sight-and-go awe over the bookshelf picture. Few may get overwhelmed by the picture and may have a reluctant reader at home.

Don’t get overwhelmed by social media. I am writing a few tips, which can be a help to your kid. Every kid is a born reader, and they haven’t found the right book to spark their joy for reading.

Our colourful bookshelf

Find why the child is not interested in reading books and observe their frustration. Observe the child and understand what type of books they love reading. Try changing the different genres and get non-fiction books if the child is interested in exploring different things around them. Nathan loves to hear fictional stories, and I pick a lot of picture books to help him.


Have you heard the line, ‘Monkey See, Monkey does’ That’s applicable here. When our kids find us reading a book, chances they will follow us. I would sneak in to read a few pages and Nathan knew I was reading my book just like he reads his picture books.


Just like a time for Play, have a dedicated time to read a book with your child. We have a bedtime read and occasional mid-day reads. Whenever you find time, squeeze in to read and it will eventually become a habit for them. No matter how old they are, keep reading to your child.


When I say have books everywhere, it’s unnecessary to have Pinterest-worthy bookshelves. Have small book nooks around your home. We have a small shelf in our bedroom, two in his playroom, and in the remaining rooms. I have a book basket across all rooms. Book baskets are so helpful and easier for the child to pick them and read independently.


Some kids don’t love reading books, but can create art by seeing the bookish characters or may enjoy scavenger hunt or enact a play. As long as the kid is turning the pages, I would use this way to bring the joy of reading.


If you are finding it difficult to buy books for your child, visit a library and pick books based on their interest. If you have no access to the library, subscribe to a monthly book subscription and get a curated, age-appropriate book.

Don’t give up. All of it takes some patience to get going.

Do you have a reluctant reader at home? How do you spark the joy of reading to them?

You can check my previous articles about reading CLICK HERE

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Hi, I am Karen- Mom to a 6-year-old and a passionate book reviewer. A book lover myself, I strongly believe in reading to kids on a daily basis, to help them turn into mini bookworms. I find delight in my every growing bookshelf. Join us on our reading journey and don't forget to share your bookish love with us too.

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