REVIEW: By The Light Of The Moon By Tom Percival

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REVIEW: By The Light Of The Moon By Tom Percival






By the light of the moon is about Ivan who is a bit sad to leave his old house and move into a new home. He is often seen staring at the moon through his window and one night he saw a shimmering light towards his window and he started following it. The light led him to a stream and a few trees and he saw a small creature named Moji. Moji painted Ivan lighter using the paintbrush and Ivan felt much lighter. They both flew over the clouds, the stars and almost touched the moon. After having fun, Moji drew in the sky ‘Home’ and Ivan was sad to be back home. Moji reminded Ivan, though the new house doesn’t feel like home: he will have memories in this new home eventually.

The phases of the moon
The phases of the moon
Ivan felt sad for shifting to a new home
Ivan felt sad for shifting to a new home
He was sad in his bedroom until a shining light took him out of the house and to many places around
He was sad in his bedroom until a shining light took him out of the house and to many places around
Moji painted Ivan lighter and he grew lighter
Moji painted Ivan lighter and he grew lighter
Moji made Ivan lighter and together they explored the clouds, stars and the moon
Moji made Ivan lighter and together they explored the clouds, stars and the moon
Ivan was sad to reach home and says to Moji this is not my home yet
Ivan was sad to reach home and said to Moji, this is not my home yet
Moji waved Goodbye to Ivan and he vanished into the light
Moji waved Goodbye to Ivan and he vanished into the light

Not a great Tom Percival’s story, but a story for kids who are often moving houses due to their parents work or might even move countries. None loves moving from our comfort zone, but when we are forced to do things beyond our zone, we may think like Ivan. But when we give time, everything will fall in its place eventually.

A simple story that reminds kids a tad bit of fun and they may have magical moments like Ivan.

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Hi, I am Karen- Mom to a 6-year-old and a passionate book reviewer. A book lover myself, I strongly believe in reading to kids on a daily basis, to help them turn into mini bookworms. I find delight in my every growing bookshelf. Join us on our reading journey and don't forget to share your bookish love with us too.

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