REVIEW: The Terrible Plop By Ursula Dubosarsky

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REVIEW: The Terrible Plop By Ursula Dubosarsky







This is a well-loved book at our home, and you could see the spine for it.

The terrible plop is based on ancient Tibetan myth. The story starts where six rabbits were eating snacks and chilling by the shore of the lake. Suddenly they heard a ‘plop’ sound and the rabbits thought the terrible plop was back to eat them. The terrified rabbits ran as fast as their legs would take them and seeing them running slowly, the animals ran for their lives. The information about the terrible plop passed like a forest fire, and when it reached the bear, he couldn’t believe someone was stronger than it. He pulled the little rabbit and asked the rabbit to show where the ‘plop’ is? The frightened rabbit took him to the place where it heard the plop and the bear was waiting for the ‘plop’ to show up. Suddenly, they heard the ‘plop’, This time, the rabbit was not frightened, but the bear ran away, fearing for his life. What makes the bear scared?

A sudden plop in the river. What could it be?
A sudden plop in the river. What could it be?
Seeing the little rabbits running, the fox was perplexed.
Seeing the little rabbits running, the fox was perplexed.
The news spread like fire and all the animals started running.
The news spread like fire and all the animals started running.
The brown bear did not believe the news
The brown bear did not believe the news
The bear grabbed the little rabbit and warned if it didn't show the terrible plop, I will eat you.
The bear grabbed the little rabbit and warned if it didn’t show the terrible plop, I will eat you.
The little rabbit took the bear to the lake and they were waiting for the terrible plop.
The little rabbit took the bear to the lake and they were waiting for the terrible plop.
As they were waiting for the terrible plop, plop hears from the lake
As they were waiting for the terrible plop, plop heard from the lake
The bear didn't see what the terrible plop actually was and it ran to save his life.
The bear didn’t see what the terrible plop was and ran to save his life.

A very humorous story and every page are filled with a rhythm. Nathan loved reading this one, and he often giggles saying, Oh no, that’s an apple sound and that’s not a terrible plop. All pages are filled with charming illustrations and the drawings are so vibrant. The author and illustrator did a nice job with the text and the illustrations.

This book will be a dominant discussion on unique sounds and how a piece of small, unnecessary information can end up in a trouble like this.

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Hi, I am Karen- Mom to a 6-year-old and a passionate book reviewer. A book lover myself, I strongly believe in reading to kids on a daily basis, to help them turn into mini bookworms. I find delight in my every growing bookshelf. Join us on our reading journey and don't forget to share your bookish love with us too.

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