REVIEW: The Whale Who Refused To Poo By Daniel Kim and Benjamin Kim

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REVIEW: The Whale Who Refused To Poo By Daniel Kim and Benjamin Kim






An orphaned baby whale is having a tough time in the ocean, as he’s become very shy due to being alone. He wishes that the fish and plankton would stop following him around, so he could find some peace and quiet. But the fish and plankton seem to be fascinated by this little whale, so they keep following him wherever he goes. He wanted to get away from them badly because he was ashamed to poop in front of them. The little whale always takes a journey to the bottom of the ocean to poop. Little did he know that he would stumble upon a scholarly octopus who would teach him an important lesson about pooping.

Now that it is armed with this newfound knowledge, it is ready to return to the surface and poop confidently in front of all the fish. Follow along as the little whale embarks on this unexpected adventure and discovers the importance of pooping at the right place.

This charming and informative book not only provides interesting information but also has beautiful illustrations that add to the overall appeal of the book. The Whale Who Refused to Poo is an inspiring story that teaches children the importance of protecting animals in their ecosystem. Through this story, children will learn about the interconnectedness of all creatures and how we can help protect our environment. By teaching them the value of conservation, this book will help them understand why it is important to protect animals in their ecosystem and how they can make a difference.

Daniel and Benjamin are teen authors and they have done an incredible job in writing this beautiful book filled with interesting information.

I received the book’s digital copy to review; all words are my own.

This book will be released worldwide on June 8 2023. Make sure you grab this lovely book and give it a read.

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Hi, I am Karen- Mom to a 6-year-old and a passionate book reviewer. A book lover myself, I strongly believe in reading to kids on a daily basis, to help them turn into mini bookworms. I find delight in my every growing bookshelf. Join us on our reading journey and don't forget to share your bookish love with us too.

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