REVIEW: Stanley’s Stick By John Hegley

Stanley stick
Age 2-5 Book ReviewLeave a Comment on REVIEW: Stanley’s Stick By John Hegley

REVIEW: Stanley’s Stick By John Hegley







You give a stick to the child, you will hear all types of imaginary stories. Stanley’s stick is a story of Stanley and his stick. It is an ordinary stick that Stanley owns and yet he can play with that for hours together. His stick can change into a whistle, a dinosaur, a rocket, a fishing pole, and a lot more. He enjoys the stick so much that he takes it everywhere. Once, for a beach trip, Stanley thought it’s time for someone to enjoy this stick and threw it into the sea. Nevertheless, the imaginary kid came back the next day to find some other stick. Will he be able to enjoy the new stick as the last one?

Stanley carries a stick with him everywhere
Stanley carries a stick with him everywhere
He pretends the stick to be many things
He pretends the stick to be many things
One day he pretended the stick to be a dinosaur
One day he pretended the stick to be a dinosaur
Stanley wanted to name his stick, but he was short of names
Stanley wanted to name his stick, but he was short of names
Stanley and Bettie used to play pretend fishing with the stick
Stanley and Bettie used to play pretend fishing with the stick
Stanley hears different comments about his stick and he threw the stick into the sea
Stanley hears different comments about his stick and he threw the stick into the sea
Stanley is without a stick now and he is in search of one again
Stanley is without a stick now and he is in search of one again
He found a very different curve near the shore and it was a wonky one
He found a very different curve near the shore and it was a wonky one
He named his stick as 'Fantastick'
He named his stick ‘Fantastick’

A beautiful message is passed through this book and is definitely a must-read book for kids. We are spending a lot on open-ended toys and nature never ceases to surprise us. Any open-ended toy triggers a child’s imagination within minutes, the magic starts. Stanley used a simple stick and had hours of fun. This book will definitely pave a way for a nature walk and one can collect all nature’s bounties and create an hour of fun.

Illustrations are simple and gorgeous. This book will take every adult in their childhood timeline and cherish the time enjoyed.

What can we ask a child to create using sticks?

  • Shapes
  • Alphabets
  • Draw on sand
  • Make puppets
  • Mix colours
  • Tie some leaves to the leaves and use them as a paintbrush
  • Create different objects
  • Make a wind catcher
  • Stick weaving
  • Photo frame

You will have endless possibilities with a stick and drop your comments on how your child will enjoy with sticks.

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Hi, I am Karen- Mom to a 6-year-old and a passionate book reviewer. A book lover myself, I strongly believe in reading to kids on a daily basis, to help them turn into mini bookworms. I find delight in my every growing bookshelf. Join us on our reading journey and don't forget to share your bookish love with us too.

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