BOOK: BUG SCOUTS AUTHOR & ILLUSTRATOR: MIKE LOWERY PUBLISHER: GRAPHIX PAGES: 64 AGE RECOMMENDED: 6+ Graphic novels are perfect books for kids who are ready to read but still miss their picture books. Nathan’s first graphic novel was “Bug Scouts”, and it greatly aided his transition from picture books. Bug Scouts is a simple and […]
REVIEW: God Made Me from A to Z By Allison key Bemiss
BOOK: GOD MADE ME FROM A TO Z AUTHOR & ILLUSTRATOR: ALLISON KEY BEMISS PUBLISHER: TOMMY NELSON PAGES: 116 AGE RECOMMENDED: 3+ God Made Me from A to Z is a great book for little kids. It teaches them about the Bible and God in a fun way. Each letter of the alphabet has a […]
REVIEW: WATER- Discovering The Precious Resource All Around Us
BOOK: WATER- Discovering The Precious Resource All Around Us AUTHOR & ILLUSTRATOR: OLGA FADEEVA TRANSLATED: LENA TRAER PUBLISHER: EERDMANS PAGES: 56 AGE RECOMMENDED: 7+ Water: Discovering the Precious Resource All Around Us is an informative nonfiction book that delves into the importance of water and its crucial role in our survival. The book provides detailed […]
BOOK: BLESSED AND BEAUTIFUL AUTHOR: TAYO OSHAYE ILLUSTRATOR: YANA POPOVA PUBLISHER: TAYO OSHAYE PUBLISHING PAGES: 44 AGE RECOMMENDED: 6+ In the lovely Edenwild forest, similar to the Garden of Eden, God planted five trees: Firi Firtree, Pinely Pine, Larry Cedar, Oaklan Oak, and Juniper Broomley. A big river called Deep Spring took care of and […]
REVIEW: Line Leads The Way By Laura Purdie Salas
BOOK: LINE LEADS THE WAY AUTHOR: LAURA PURDIE SALAS ILLUSTRATOR: ALICE CALDARELLA PUBLISHER: CAPSTONE EDITIONS PAGES: 36 AGE RECOMMENDED: 4+ A poster featuring a wanted sign for a treasure keeper captures the attention of various shapes from near and far. Each shape embarks on a journey to the Valley View Library, their distinct characteristics meticulously […]
REVIEW: Inventor Adventure A Self Watering Journey By Selma Benkiran
BOOK: INVENTOR ADVENTURE A SELF WATERING JOURNEY AUTHOR: SELMA BENKIRAN ILLUSTRATOR: VALERIA LOSKANT PUBLISHER: MI CAMINO PAGES: 22 AGE RECOMMENDED: 5+ Inventor Adventure is a fun story for kids. It tells them to try new things and learn from their mistakes. The book also teaches kids about science in a fun way. Most importantly, it […]
REVIEW: The Unique Friendship Of Grover And Steve By Lee Cherry
BOOK: THE UNIQUE FRIENDSHIP OF GROVER AND STEVE AUTHOR: LEE CHERRY ILLUSTRATOR: BUFFIE BIDDLE PUBLISHER: AUSTIN MACAULEY PUBLISHERS PAGES: 40 AGE RECOMMENDED: 5+ Grover, a donkey, and Steve, an ostrich, are two different animals living on the Great Plains. Despite their differences, they learned to embrace and appreciate each other’s uniqueness and became great friends. […]