REVIEW: The Poop Book! by Tejaswini and Sujatha

the poop book
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REVIEW: The Poop Book! by Tejaswini and Sujatha







Does anyone have an animal-obsessed kid? If yes, This book has interesting information about them and also about their poop. Each animal has a different poop, and some animals use that poo for different reasons. Most animals use Poo to mark their territory and to save themselves from danger. Jump in to discover in detail about POOP! And don’t forget to pause and think about God’s wonderful creation and how he created every single living being so thoughtfully.

A very interesting piece of information about vulture and LIon is given here. I never knew Vulture pees and poops on its leg to keep the germs away. (jaw-dropping) We all knew Lions use their poop to mark their territory, but do you know Lion roll on the poo of herbivorous animals just for fun?

The poo of a Butterfly is watery, as it drinks only nectar. Penguin likes to poo in patterns around its nest.

Information about Vulture and Lion
Information about Vulture and Lion

Sloth is an interesting animal. Nathan and I knew about sloth while reading the book  “slowly, slowly said the sloth” by Eric Carle. Sloth does not move or rather, moves very slowly. But it comes down from the tree once a week to poop. Aphid’s-I doesn’t like them as they destroy my house plants :(But curiously, I learned ants are the one protects the aphids because they love to eat Aphid’s poop. It is sweet and it’s called honeydew.

Honey bee doesn’t like to poop inside their hive and they fly together to poop in the air. Their poop resembles a yellow raindrop. Termites build their nest using their poop and saliva.

Information about Sloth and Aphid
Information about Sloth and Aphid
Information about jellyfish and Tree Shaw
Information about jellyfish and Tree shaw
Animals camouflage themselves to hide from danger.
Animals camouflage themselves to hide from danger.

Elephants and  Rhinoceros’ poop can be made into the paper when boiled. Can you see a bookmark peeping into the picture of each page? That is a bookmark made from Rhino and elephant’s poop.

Can someone get me a piece of jewellery made from Moose’s poop? I am curious to touch and wear them. There are a few more fascinating pieces of information about poop is in the book. So get this interesting book and have a jaw-dropping moment like I had.

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Hi, I am Karen- Mom to a 6-year-old and a passionate book reviewer. A book lover myself, I strongly believe in reading to kids on a daily basis, to help them turn into mini bookworms. I find delight in my every growing bookshelf. Join us on our reading journey and don't forget to share your bookish love with us too.

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